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      Hello! We are a group of teachers from five European countries - Spain, Italy, Turkey,

Bulgaria and Romania, who believe in students and work to make their learning Interesting

and useful. We are different. We are looking for different methods of education to make our students

more confident and  more intelligent. 

      According to Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, if the person is not active during learning, the information will be lost. Based on this statement, we aim to plan activities that will reveal and reinforce the types of intelligence that our students have and to create permanent learning. We are inspired by the principle that every child is special. We organize educational environment to contribute to the multifaceted development of all our students. We started a project for e-twinning on multiple intelligence. We have done some research for this project. We applied multiple intelligence theory tests to the students in our school In our school, we are conducting studies and pre-tests to explore the interests of the students. According to the results of these studies and tests, we make the necessary guidance in accordance with the consent and wish of the student. For example, for students with high rhythmic intelligence, we create opportunities to develop these areas of intelligence with the music class and rhythm workshops that we have created in our school. Our mathematics and science courses for individuals with high numerical intelligence; authoring courses for verbal intelligence-dominated individuals, and our composition and poetry contests that are held throughout the year in our school; painting workshops and design workshops for our visual intelligence students. For individuals with kinaesthetic intelligence, with our courses for basketball, football, volleyball, judo, folk dances, etc., we enable individuals to perform activities. With the many opportunities of our school we enable our students self-actualization. Science and technology laboratory, stem class, music class, chess course, sports hall, various sports fields and with our many other opportunities we serve for this. The activities to be planned and the presentations that will be prepared over the various types of intelligence for our students and teachers will be a means to reach different types of intelligence.

   Project activities will provide project participants with an opportunity to learn through different types of intelligence rather than a single type of intelligence. Each country visit is planned to address different types of intelligence. Throughout the project, work on these areas will be carried out during visits that are going to be held to the following countries; at Turkey naturalist and kinaesthetic intelligence, at İtaly mathematical and spatial intelligence, at Spain İntrapersonal and interpersonal intelligence, at Romania rhythmic intelligence and Bulgaria linguistic intelligence. Planned project activities will be implemented at the same dates in all project partner schools. For each activity there will be a responsible partner country. Each activity will be visualized and shared on e-twinning, paddled and Facebook websites. At the final stage of the project, a booklet covering all activities will be prepared. Within the scope of the project, which will last twenty four months, all activities and sharing, presentations and the booklet will be in English. This will improve the language skills of our students and teachers and provide cultural integration for our refugee, immigrant and disadvantaged students in our schools. Awareness about various issues will be gained through mutual activities to be implemented in country meetings and project activities. Visits to partner countries will enable participants to learn about different cultures. On special dates such as October 5’th World Teachers Day, Recycling Week, Origami Day, World Science Day, World Environment Day, Disability Week, Mother's Day, Refugees Day, World Art Day, World Wildlife 
World Wildlife Day, World Religious Day, World Religious Belief Day, Auguste Rodin Day some special activities are planned out. With these activities, we aim to improve the different intelligence areas of the students. With these studies, we want to contribute to the adaptation of our students and to their attendance who have different ethnic origins in our school, the students who need special education and our refugee students. In this way, we aim to make disadvantaged students feel special and to show that it is possible to build a happy future without the differentiation between religion, language and race among different cultures. We believe that this project will enable dialogue between different societies and contribute to the language development and cultural integration of the countries involved in the project. We also believe that our project will contribute to a happier and more tolerant European society.


This project has been founded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission can not be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information. contained therein. 

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