Our schools: Short reviews
Centro Educativo Zola, Villafranca, SPAIN
Our school, Centro Educativo Zola, is located about 28 Km from Madrid in a residential area. We have around 1000 students from 1 to 18 years old and there are around 80 teachers involved in the school work. Our school teach 3 languages from kindergarten to 6th grade of Primary (Spanish, English and German). When they arrive to High School, they can choose French instead of German. We haven experience in Erasmus+ projects. We finished a project which began on 2015. Now we are working on 4 new projects (3 KA2 and a KA1 project). The coordinator is the Head of Maths department and worked in a etwinning project "Let me tell you about my city". Sometime before our Math project, we worked in "Maths around us" etwinning Project. Our Erasmus experience is great and we would like to involve more students in it. Teachers are also very motivated and they would like to participate in a new project. Our school is working with multiple intelligences and Gadner ́s theory from more than 10 years ago. We work with our students knowing that they are all different with different developed intelligences so they learn different one which other so, if you teach only in one way, lots of them become lost and they will not learn. It will help the good development of the project and the project help us will help us to continue working in our line. The person who will be the key in charge of running the project in the school will be the same key person who worked in “Maths around us” project. She is a teacher who teach at school since 2009. In case these person leave her post in the future, next head of department will take the role. Head mistress is involved in Erasmus+ projects and she will insure the good end of it.

Atatürk Secondary School, Izmit , TURKIYE
Izmit Atatürk Secondary School is located in Kocaeli which is the border neighbor of Istanbul. Our school, which is affiliated with the Ministry of National Education in Republic of Turkey, has a reputation in the country and abroad. Our school participates in many European projects. These projects aims to establish an education and culture bridge, for children in Turkey and children in Europe. Our school firstly aims to improve the quality of education. There are 600 students and 50 teachers in our school. All of our teachers are experts in their fields and they have good human relationship. Our teachers are willing to learn and open to innovations. Our teachers are continue to improve themselves by taking trainings, courses and seminars in various fields. One of these trainings is the "multiple intelligence applications" in our school. Our students are between 10-15 years old. Our students live in equal level on socially and economically. We enable our children to have fun while learning with this study. Some disadvantage students do not want to come to school. This study also allows students to come to school who have musical intelligence but do not want to come to school. We give more tasks to our disadvantage students in the ceremonies and demonstrations . And we're trying to make school a good place for them. Students who need special education can benefit from all education activities. We think that our school structuring and our works will provide positive contributions to our teachers and teachers from other countries in terms of motivation. We believe that motivation of learning for our students and the motivation of teaching for our teachers will increase. We believe that their self-confidence in working in an international organization and take responsibility will increase. We are a team that develops, train ourself and follows technological developments. We are also team that tries to keep our culture and traditions alive. We are raising students who are happy and produce every field. We want to share our experiences, culture, dances, foods, traditional games, tea and coffees to other partnership. We believe that we will gain different perspectives with these shares. We believe that we will connect with different cultures. We believe that we will establish dialogue between languages and religions. We believe that we will learn together and be happy together. We believe that we will be a cultural bridge between Turkey and Europe. We believe that we will contribute to the provision of a happy European community. A comenius project in our school has been successfully completed. Currently there is "Stem +A Around Us" Erasmus project in our school. All our teachers are supporting with willingly for work done.

Vladimir Komarov Secondary School, Veliko Tarnovo, BULGARIA
Our school: Vladimir Komarov Secondary School (Средно училище “Владимир Комаров“) is situated in 9 Byala Bona Street, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria (град Велико Търново, ул.„Бяла Бона“№9) The school is situated on the outskirts of Veliko Tarnovo, in a neighbourhood named Cholakovtsi. The ethnical composition - different ethnic groups (Bulgarian, Turkish, Roma) and different religions (Christianity and Islam). The biggest part of students belong to Bulgarian ethnic group. The social composition of the community - they live in working class families mostly and belong to different ethnic groups. Due to the relatively high unemployment, some of parents live and work abroad and thus of our students live with their grandparents.
We have 162 students in the school. They learn in twelve classes, in three age groups: - primary: 6 – 11 years old (1st - 4th grade) - junior secondary: 11 -14 years old (5th - 7th grade) - secondary: 14-19 years old (8th - 12th grade). In our school there are no problems of juvenile violence or dropout students. We have 9 students with disabilities
There are 20 teachers in the school and 6 people non-teaching personal. Two of the key persons involved in this project will be: 1. Mr Yanaki Lazarov - RESPONSOBLE for the communication between partners and dissemination. He is the Headmaster of the school. Master degree in Art, master degree in Technologies and in PE. He teaches Technologies. 2. Mrs Ginka Marinova - RESPONSIBLE with the organization of the activities and the financial matters. She has a Master Degree in Bulgarian language and Russian language. She took a part in four finished eTwinning projects. Since November 2016 she is a school coordinator of two Erasmus+ projects: “All for health and health for all” (2015-2017) and “Cultural mapping of Europe” (2017-2019). OUR PROJECTS: In the period 2015-2017 we participated in an Erasmus + KA2 project "All for health and health for all". Together with two of the partners' schools from that project we are participating now (from September 2017 to August 2019) in an Erasmus + KA2 project "Cultural mapping of Europe". Also, we have taken part in a various national and regional projects. From September 2018 our school is added in the list of the Innovative schools in Bulgaria.

“Spiru Haret” College, Ploiesti, ROMANIA
“Spiru Haret” College is one of the biggest colleges in our city -Ploiesti city and it can be found at wwww.spiruh.ro, https://www. facebook.com/CSH.Ploiesti/ . To be more precise, there are 1370 students and 94 teachers, and other 36 additional workers. A part of our students are mainly trained in the IT area and CAD technology (Computer Aided Design). We also have students who specialize in different domains of technology, such as the mechanical field (for jobs such as Technicians in mechatronics, CAD Technicians and Mechanical technicians for maintenance and repairs) and Electronics-Automation (Technician in Automation and Telecommunications Technician). Four classes (out of 52) study Natural Sciences and are interested in Biology, Physics and Chemistry . Other four classes (one per year of study) focus on Literature, foreign Languages and Arts.As you can notice, our students are prepared in a wide range of activities and I strongly believe that our cooperation would be beneficial for both teachers/trainers and students. More than that, I think it will be an opportunity for cultural and good practices exchange. Our College has been involved in many local, regional and even international projects, being interested in both improving the quality of our activity and finding the “Key”of success. Our students are continuously motivated to improve their own levels, to become better and better, to fulfill their own dreams, to become successful. Most of our students commute from the nearby towns and villages and they come from different financial backgrounds. There are also some students with physical disabilities that study at our college, cooperating, studying and working together with the other students, enhancing thus,their own way to social inclusion. We try to offer equal chances to everybody, motivating and guiding them towards social and professional success, but most of all to be balanced characters that enjoy life, music, art and progress at the same time.We have a stable, hard-working group of teachers that will also work on this project: Sofia Stroe- principal, Mara Chiricu- Head of Foreign Languages department and Other teachers that are involved: Anca Tanase, Laura Duta, Cornelia Corciov, Andrei Sasu. Regarding their expertise we wil mention only some of our projects.The project meets some of our college's objectives. We have had some projects that have got as theme social inclusion, human rights and healthy living. We believe that our students are youngsters who are really interested in the future welfare of their community, in particular, and of our world, in general through music, social inclusion, tollerance, hard work and training . It will be useful to discover and to acknowledge the universal qualities that lead to successful existance , disregarding the geographical area or mother tongue.

I.C. “A. Bruno”, Biancavilla, ITALY
I.C. “A. Bruno” is a very nice comprehensive school in Biancavilla, a little town near Catania very close to mount Etna. There are 610 students aged from 3 to 14; 70 teachers with other 15 additional workers. Our school has always been involved in different local, regional and international projects with the aim to improve the quality of the proposed activities and to promote the success of our students. A great importance is given to the foreign languages and art in general and students with special needs are taken into very particular account. Our team of teacher is hardworking and always ready to improve their knowledge with new projects and activities. We have always been interested in cultural sharing and influences from other countries. In the past we have taken part to a Comenius project “Hidden Treasures in Hidden Cultures” in Turkey and Spain (2014/2015) thank to Mr Fiore Antonio who was the referent of the project. Every year a group of students goes to Malta to improve English and to meet a new culture. The people that will be in charge of running the project in our school are all the teachers of the school and in particular Mr Fiore Antonio and Mrs Santangelo Giuseppina.